Team Building in London - The Enigma Challenge

There's nothing like London for indoor team building - the venue choices are practically endless, the transport links second to none and the standards of service are among the best in the world. This week we were there to run our Enigma Challenge, an extremely competitive team building event that puts teams against each other in a frantic race against the clock.

Indoor Team Building - The Enigma Challenge

Each team is presented with a sealed box and a digital camera. Inside the box, 101 Challenges await, divided into four categories; Brainteasers, Creative, Teamwork and the Enigma Challenges themselves.

Without enough time to complete every challenge, teams must prioritise and tackle the challenges they feel most suited for - and that reward the most points - with every precious second ticking down on the big screen.

As well as being one of our most popular individual events, The Enigma Challenge works equally well as an Icebreaker - a furious burst of creative energy for 30 minutes can energise your group for the day ahead.

Take a look at our website or give our team a call on 0845 006 0606 to learn more about our indoor team building events.

Team Building Events: Indoor Events

With a huge range of team building events out there, it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. To help you narrow down the search, we have divided the best events into categories, and will profile a different one each week, complete with tips on what might be best for your team. Today, we're looking at indoor events - the perfect way to get the most out of your team building event without leaving the comfort of the conference room! Indoor Team Building Events

Indoor Team Building Events

With the ever-growing demand for effective, entertaining indoor team builds, options within this category have increased exponentially. Recently developed indoor events mean that they are hugely flexible to the space and time scale available, and can be tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're after a half day or full day programme, or if you just have a small pocket of time in which you'd like to keep everyone motivated and entertained, there'll be something to suit you in the indoor event category.

Indoor Team Building - Enigma Challenge

 Why Choose an Indoor Event?

An indoor event is perfect for your team if....

  • You're concerned about the weather. It's an obvious one, but if your conference or away day happens to fall during the winter months and you would like to fit in some team building, then an indoor event is the way forward.  All the fantastic benefits of team building without having to brave the great outdoors - it's a win-win situation!
  • You'll be in Central London or another busy city. Outdoor space can be hard to come by in cities, so remove it from the equation with an indoor team building event. There'll be many boxes to check when sourcing the ideal venue for your conference - proximity to airports, high-quality accommodation - but with an indoor team build, you won't have to add 'outdoor space' to your list.
  • You've done lots of team building before and want something completely different. The huge demand for indoor team building events has been addressed with the development of some really unique and dynamic events. While outdoor team builds tend to be more traditional, events from our indoor category will surprise and delight even your most 'seasoned' team members.
  • You want a seamless transition between meetings and team building. If there is a particular message you would like to link to your team build, or if you've done some great work already and want to keep the momentum going, then an indoor event is a brilliant option. Many of our indoor events can begin straight after you finish your meetings, ensuring that everyone stays engaged and on-message.
  • You don't have a 'traditional' conferencing venue. The fantastic thing about indoor team builds is that they can often be run in your own offices - so if you'd like the motivational benefits of a team build without having to shell out for venue costs, we can come to you!

Indoor Team Building - Commercial Break

 Top Indoor Events

  •  Enigma Challenge - Indoor team building as you've never seen it before! Your colleagues' feet won't touch the ground in the race against time to complete as many fiendish and outrageous challenges as possible!
  • Work of Art - Creative team building at it's best, Work of Art sees teams putting paint to canvas in an effort to complete a giant masterpiece. Not just for the aspiring Damien Hirsts amongst you, this is a real collaborative event with a very special finale.
  • Commercial Break -  This brilliant event sees teams become their own production company for the day; scripting, directing and starring in their very own TV commercials! With a plethora of props, wigs, hats and costumes available, it's not long before teams are getting into character and stars are born!

For more event ideas - both indoor and out - visit our website or call 0845 006 06 06 for a chat with our lovely sales team.


Indoor Team Building at it's Best: The Enigma Challenge

The Brief:

Create an innovative, animated team building event that boosts motivation and encourages participants to work together. It must have plenty of challenges, with something to suit everyone, whether they are a brainteaser-loving whiz-kid, an aspiring creative, or an active ball of energy.

Oh, and just one more thing: it must be completely winter-proof, allowing our clients to inject excitement and fun into their working day without leaving the warm comfort of the conference room.

The Solution?

The awesome Enigma Challenge!

Transparent question mark with green background

Boasting over 100 different and varied challenges within one unique event, the Enigma Challenge is a race against time as teams frantically complete as much possible before our Giant Countdown Clock runs out!

Team Challenge

Individual challenges are split into four categories, which enables participants to delegate and play to their team member's strengths. There's a wealth of tasks to suit every taste - are you feeling creative? Compose a 'replica' Mona Lisa to earn yourself 40 points! Enjoy the Sunday crossword? Get stuck into the Brainteaser category to solve our fiendish  puzzles. Maybe you're feeling energetic - try capturing a photo of your entire team jumping in the air!  Or if you're simply great at sniffing out answers, head to the Aroma area to try and decipher our mystery scents.

Creative Challenge

You'll be having too much fun to realise it at the time, but the Enigma Challenge carries huge potential benefits for your working relationships. Because everyone - no matter their interests or strengths - can play a valuable part in getting their team to victory, every participant will come away with a sense of achievement and value. You'll also see sides to your colleagues you never knew existed, which breaks the ice and provides office banter material for years to come.

Team Challenge

With our dynamic scoring system, we are able to break down your scores into categories - so as well as there being one overall winning team, you'll also get feedback on who completed the most challenges, which groups worked best together, the team that was the most creative or observant, and the champions of puzzles and brainteasers. As well as allowing victories to more than one team, this is also a great way of assessing how people think and work - many of our clients take this feedback and use it to implement changes in how they operate as a team.

Team Challenge

As many of the challenges involve you taking photographic proof of success, you'll end up with a brilliant collection of hilarious team photos to decorate your office with, allowing you to re-live the day to your heart's content!

If you'd like to find out more about this brilliant event, call 0845 006 06 06 for a chat.